created by kele & iori

mental health check point

remember that you are always not alone !


This is a short mental health quiz which consists of a few questions that will hopefully help you feel better. Remember that we are not professionals so take we are not responsible if anything happens. Please take everything with a grain of salt and stay safe !

FAQs :
1. Will there be graphic images shown ?
No, if there are any triggering topics being discussed, we will warn readers first.
2. What's the point of the quiz ?
We were bored and decided to help people, or at least cheer them up.
3. Can I add suggestions for the quiz ?
Sure, it is not guaranteed that we will add them to the quiz but you can contact us for to make a suggestion.
Please contact us for credits/removal. You can view the credits here

Are you ready to take the short and simple quiz ? Then let's start !

how are you currently feeling ?

please click on an emoji that describes your current mood.

*we'll be adding more emojis

It seems like you're happy ! that's very good to know, i hope you can stay happy. Stay safe !

It seems like you're angry ! I'm so sorry to know this. take a few deep breaths and relax. i hope you feel better soon. if you want, talk to someone about it, it might help you feel better !


It seems like you're sad ! is something making you upset ? if you need someone to talk to, please click here. Remember it's okay not to be okay. It's a part of life ! stay strong, and there will always be someone that can help you !


It seems like you're anxious ! is something bothering you ? If you experience panic attacks, take deep breaths and count to 10. I really hope you feel better soon, stay safe !